The Catholic Directory, Great Britain, 1928, 1938 etc - Priests - A Look-up Service

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The Catholic Directory
Roger Vaughan's Research Pages:
The Catholic Directory Great Britain, 1928, 1938 etc - The book gives a wealth of information (see list at the bottom of this page) but only for Great Britain (England Wales and Scotland) . The most useful pages are the lists of Priests in A-Z order giving:
Surname, Forename (s), and the address at that date

An index of places (within each Diocese) means that it is possible to find out who was the priest at that location, the address, or where where it was served from, and times of services.
Lists of Colleges and Schools (brief), Diocesan Institutions, Societies Etc. (Guilds, Homes, Hostels Settlements).
English - Speaking Confessors Abroad - by location

Obituary of those who died Feb 1927 to Nov 19 1927 and Nov 1936 to Nov. 1937 - gives date of death.
Indexes to Colleges and Boy's and Girl's Schools under Names of Place- under Clergy or Religious, followed by adverts for the schools often with a photo of the site.

Catholic Peers and Baronets (entries 4 to 10 lines)
It is hoped that by having books ten years apart, a spread of information may be gained, ie where a priest was on those dates, I will check both books for you.

Sample entries - Priests

Sample entries - Places

Standard Look-up Fee: Five pounds UK or Ten dollars US

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2. This will find out if there is an entry in the book,
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The Catholic Register 1928 and 1938 etc.

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Example: Catholic Dir: Cannon Edward Lupton, 1928, Blackpool, [What you want to know], Cheque (UK bank).

Please include in your email:

Catholic Dir - The Priest's (Nun's) Name:

Location - if known or what you want to know.

Please state which year you think he (or she) may have been at that location

Method of Payment - Please state: Cash or Cheque or Currency or Paypal (see notes below) - If there is an entry - I will ask you to pay and send an address - please dont pay yet!
Standard Fee: Five Pounds UK or Ten dollars US or equivalent other currency.

Abbreviations used in 1928 Volume One Page

Abbreviations used in 1938 Volume Page 1

Abbreviations used in 1938 Volume Page 2


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When I have replied to your first email saying I have what you want Please then make payment, letting me know by email how you have paid, and I will then scan the entry for you. Scanned entries are sent as an attachment to an email, or any other way you prefer.

Thanks for using this service - fees collected will go towards adding more reference books to this site

Roger Vaughan - March 2004


Main Look-up Service

My Mainsite: Victorian Photographs and History Pages

To give a better idea of the subjects in these books I have reproduced the index pages from the 1928 Catholic Directory

ABBREVIATIONS in the Notices of Services, etc.
Abstinence days
Address, modes of
Affairs of Religious, Cong. for the
Aged Poor Society
Aged Poor, Asylums for
Air Force, Chaplains
Almanack, Catholic and general
Apostleship of the Sea
Apostolic Delegations
Apostolic Prefects not Bishops
Archbishops and Bishops of England and Wales
Archbishops and Bishops of Ireland
Archbishops and Bishops of Scotland
Archbishops of the Colonies and Dependencie
Archbishops of U.S.A
Archconfraternity of St.Stephen for Altar Servers
Army Chaplains
Associations, Catholic
Association for Deceased Clergy
Association of Perpetual Adoration

BARONETS, Catholic
Benevolent Society for Aged and Infirm Poor
Birmingham,Archdiocese of
Bishops of England
Bishops of Scotland
Bishops of Ireland
Bishops of Dominions and Dependencies
Bishops of U.S.A.
Blind, Special Schools for
Boy Scouts
Brentwood, Diocese of
British Empire, Catholic Population of, Estimate of
British Empire, Sees, Vicariates and Prefectures
Business Girls, Catholic Houses for

CARDINALS, College of
Cardiff, Archdiocese of
Catenian Association
Catholic Association
Catholic Care Committee Workers' Association
Catholic Confederation
Catholic Council for International Relations
Catholic Education Council
Catholic Emigration Society
Catholic Evidence Guild
Catholic Federation
Catholic Girls' Society
Catholic Guardians' Association
Catholic Guild of Israel
Catholic League of S. London
Catholic Missionary Society
Catholic Needlework Guild

Catholic Nurses' Guild
Catholic Police Guild
Catholic Prisoners' Aid Society
Catholic Reading Guild
Catholic Record Society
Catholic Seamen's Home
Catholic Social Guild
Catholic Soldiers' Association
Catholic Stage Guild
Catholic Truth Society
Catholic Union
Catholic Women's. League
Catholic Women's Missionary League
Census of 1921
Ceremonial, Cong. of the
Chaplains, Catholic, of Army, Navy and Air Force
Charity, Ladies of
Childhood, Society of the Holy
Children, Catholic Crippled
Clergy, List of
Clifton, Diocese of
Colonies, Archbishops and Bishops in
Confessors, English-speaking abroad
Confessors in Foreign Languages in London and Suburbs
Congregations, Roman
Consistorial Congregation
Converts' Aid Society
Council, Cong. of the
Crippled. Special Schools for Children
Crusade of Rescue
Curia, Roman
DAYS, Ember
Days of Devotion
Days of Fasting and Abstinence
Days of Obligation
Deceased Clergy Association
Delegations, Apostolic
Devotion, Days of
Diocesan Statistics see each Diocese
Dumb, Special School for

EASTERN Church, Cong. of

Ecclesiastical Education Fund

Ecclesiastical Statistics see also Dioceses
Ecclesiastical Titles and Modes of Address
Ember Days
English Bishops
English Hierarchy,
Pedigree of
English-speaking Confessors abroad
Epileptics, Special School for
Episcopal Sees of Catholic Church
Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, Cong. for

Father Mathew Union
Fasting Days
Feasts, Movable
Feasts Patronal
Foreign Languages, Confessors in

GIRL Guides
Guild of SS. Luke, Cosmos, and Damian
Guild of Our Lady of Ransom

HEXHAM and Newcastle, Diocese of
Hierarchy, Catholic
Holidays of Obligation
Holy Office, Cong. of the
Hospitals, Catholic
Hostel for Discharged Women Prisoners

INEBRIATE Women, Home for
Ireland, Archbishops and Bishops of

KNIGHTS, Catholic
Knights of St. Columba

Lanias of Charity
Lancaster, Diocese of
Latest changes and corrections
Leeds., Diocese of
Lingard Society
Liverpool,Archdiocese of
Lords, Catholic (by courtesy) not Peers
Lords, Catholic Members of House of
Marriages, Mixed
Members of Parliament Catholic
Menevia, Diocese of
Mentally Defective, Special Schools for
Middlesbrough, Diocese of

Movable Feasts

NAVAL Chaplains
Northampton, Diocese of
Nottingham, Diocese of
Obligation, Days of
Orders, Superiors of Religious
Ordinations of Priests
Orphanages see Dioceses and Advts.
Oscotian Society

PARLIAMENT Catholic Members of House of Lords
Parliament: Catholic Members of the House of Commons
Patronal Feasts
Pedigree of the English Hierarchy
Peers, Catholic
Penitents, Refuges for
Plymouth, Diocese of
Popes, List of
Population of Dioceses
Population of Gt. Britain
Population of Ireland
Population in British Empire, Estimate of Catholic
Portsmouth, Diocese of
Postal Regulations
Prefectures, Apostolic
Prefectures in the British Empire
Priests, Secular and Regular of Great Britain
Privy Council, Catholic Members of the

Propaganda Fide, Cong. of
Propagation of the Faith
Providence Night Refuge

Registrar-General and Catholic Marriages
Religious, Congregation for the Affairs of
Religious Orders and Congregations, Superiors of
Rescue Societies (see also Advts.)
Retreat Houses
Rogation Days
Roman Curia

SACRAMENTAL Discipline, Congregation of
Sacred Congregations
Sacred Rites, Congregation of
St. Francis Leper Guild
St. Francis Xavier's Union
St. John Chrysostom, Society of
St. Joseph's Society for Foreign Missions
St. Martin's Society (Hostel Bureau)
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Salford, Diocese of
Scotland, Archbishop and Bishops of
Scotland before 1878, Vicars-Apostolic in
Sees, etc., in British Empire
Sees, etc., Summary of
Sees of the Catholic Church
Seminaries, Congregation of
Shrewsbury, Diocese of Society for the Maintenance of the Apostolic See
Society of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Society of Our Lady of Lourdes
Society, Holy Childhood Society of St. John Chrysostom
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Societies, Catholic
Southwark, Diocese of
Sovereign Pontiffs
Special Schools, Catholic
Statistics, Census 1921
Statistics, Ecclesiastical see also under each Diocese
Statistics of British Empire
Studies, Cong. for
Summary, General, for Great Britain
Superiors of Religious Orders and Congregations

TITLES and Modes of Address, Ecclesiastical
Training Colleges
Tribunals, Roman
Trinity Fund

U.S.A., Bishops of Universities, Congregation of
Universities, Catholic Education Board
University of London Catholic Students' Society
University Catholic Societies' Federation

VICARIATES in the British Isles (previous to Hierarchy)

WESTMINSTER, Archdiocese ..
Westminster Cathedral Westminster Cathedral Building Fund
Westminster Diocesan Education Fund
Westminster Mission Fund ..

(another list for Convents Schools Institutions, Hospitals, homes etc - not reproduced here)

R.F.Vaughan 2004